Concerns of environmental destruction due to refrigerant halocarbon who took part in the process of thinning of the ozone layer, so that the ultraviolet radiation of sunlight is not filtered, has become an international issue.
The impact of excessive ultraviolet radiation for life on earth has been published, because it influences, such as changing the genetic structure, interfere with plant growth, damage the eyes (cataracts), skin cancer, lowered immunity, disrupt the climate and the accelerating destruction of natural and synthetic materials , ranging from wood, rubber, until a kind of plastic.
The seriousness of the international community to do deletion of material potentially damaging materials belonging lingkjungan just as CFCs (Chloro Fluoro Carbon) has been coined by an international agreement known as the Montreal Protocol (1987) and the Indonesian government has ratifying it through Presidential Decree no. 23 of 1992. The Government has agreed to no later than year 2007 expressly prohibits the use and circulation of CFCs as cooling media.
Synthetic and hydrocarbon refrigerant containing elements that have parameters that affect the environment like the index is shown in Table-1.
Global attention today as the influence of the amount of refrigerant, not just a matter of damage to the ozone (ODP) and the Earth's surface warming effect (GWP), but also covers the issue of energy efficiency. Along with the ODP and GWP also sought an alternative to halo-carbon refrigerants that can increase energy savings.
It is known that the waste of energy with the increasing development of power plants to meet electricity demand, increased fuel consumption, significantly contribute to the increase in global warming through the greenhouse effect. Concern for the international community will be those things, manifested in the form of campaigning that the ODP, GWP and enegy effeciency a unitary package that must be considered in the selection of refrigerants in cooling the engine. The above conditions can be met by the refrigerant which is categorized in groups such as musicool Hydrocarbons.
Choice of experts on hydrocarbon refrigerants are not new. Hydrocarbon as a refrigerant has been known since the 1920s, even world-class scientist Albert Einstein (1926) mentions that the hydrocarbon is the king of refrigerant in the refrigeration system.
Synthetic refrigerant, such as:
- Chloro Fluoro Carbon, known as CFCs
- Hydro Chloro Fluoro Carbon, known as HCFCs
- Hydro Fluoro Carbon, known as HFCs
which in Indonesia is more familiar with the name of Freon. Freon has been applied in Indonesia for more than 70 years. Which turned out later it was found that the three types of gas has a weakness, both in engineering, environment and economy, and most importantly of all, the refrigerant sintetic very dangerous creatures both in the long term and short term.
The Indonesian government has banned and restricted use of these three types of refrigerant, which, which in practice starting from 2007. As a result of these new regulations, there should be an alternative environmentally-friendly refrigerant, then be made environmentally friendly natural refrigerants, namely Hydrocarbon Refrigerant.Hydrocarbon Refrigerant made to replace the refrigerant, other refrigerants which are very damaging to the environment.
- HC-12 ® manufactured as a substitute for CFC R-12 refrigerants that damage the ozone layer and can lead to global warming.
- HC-134a ® manufactured as a replacement refrigerant HFC R-134a which can lead to global warming.
- HC-22 ® manufactured as a substitute for HCFC R-22 refrigerants that damage the ozone layer.
- HC-600 ® manufactured as a substitute for CFC refrigerant R-600 which damage the ozone layer.