Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Calculate The Capacity Needs of Room Air-Con

Many of us often overlook spacious room with air conditioning requirement level. Because we think small place, it is quite simply 1/2PK, or vice versa, because it's big, then we attach 2PK. We think it's more frugal to buy an air conditioner than two AC. Do not buy air conditioner that is too large, resulting in unnecessary or too small, resulting in less cold. There is a simple formula that can be utilized.

The formula:

(L x W x H x I x E) / 60 = BTU requirement
L  = Length of room (in feet)
W = Width of room (in feet)
I   = value 10 if the insulated chamber (located in the basement, or huddle with other space).
        Score 18 if space is not insulated (upstairs).
H  = Height of room (in feet)
E  = value 16 if the longest wall facing north;
        value of 17 if facing east;
        value 18 if facing south;
        value 20 if facing west.

1 Meter = 3.28 Feet


AC Capacity based on PK:
AC ½ PK    =  ± 5,000 BTU / h
AC ¾ PK    = 
± 7,000 BTU / h
AC 1 PK     =  ± 9,000 BTU / h
AC 1 ½ PK =  ± 12,000 BTU / h
AC 2 PK     =  ± 18,000 BTU / h

Sample Calculation:

Room size 5m x 5m or (16 feet x 16 feet), height of room 3m (10 feet), insulated (coincide with another room), the long wall facing east. Needs BTU = (16 x 16 x 10 x 10 x 17) / 60 = 7,253 BTU, or simply ¾ PK of AC.

Energy And Electricity Saving Tips

Prepare Yourself

Modern life allows people to live in a comfortable atmosphere and very practical. This is all made possible by the existence of electrical energy. With various types of electrical equipment, electrical energy can be converted into rotary energy, heat, light, and audio-video signals, as needed. The process of change in electrical energy to a ready-made electricity in homes or in offices is cost money. The amount of costs that must be provided depends on the amount of electricity used, or often referred to as the number of KWh used.

Electrical Energy Saving Tips at Home

Listening is not the same as seeing, and seeing not the same as doing. Anything as beautiful teachings would be useless if not done. Love your electricity, start by using it with saving by running the following tips.

The principles that need attention and cultivate the attitude of electrical energy saving in households, among others: Connect the power of electricity as needed. Households small example, with enough power 450 VA or 900 VA, households are enough to power 900 VA to 1300 VA. Choosing the right appliances and as needed. Shape the behavior of members of the household in saving electricity, such as: Turning the power tools on only when necessary. Using power tools in turn. Using electric power to supplement household income (productive). Household electrical appliances in general are designed for efficient electricity usage, but in practice still found in a waste of electrical energy. This can occur because of the use of equipment in a manner that is less precise.

The use of measures of Household Electrical Appliances Conserve Energy Use in Electricity


  1. Put out the lights if the room is not used.
  2. Put out the lights in the daytime.
  3. Reduce excessive electric lighting.
  4. Position your furniture so as not to block the light in the room.
  5. Turning the lights pages / park when the day really began to get dark.
  6. Turn off the lights pages / park when the days are getting light again.
  1. Choosing energy-efficient air conditioning and power according to the size of the room.
  2. Use the appropriate AC capacity and efficiency.
  3. Use a timer (timer) for AC operation only when needed.
  4. Control the temperature with a thermostat.
  5. Use the cover on the space exposed to direct sunlight.
  6. Keep doors, windows and air vents are always closed for quite low humidity.
  7. Avoid putting anything that blocks air circulation.
  8. Clean the air filter, condenser coil and fins conditioned regularly.
  9. Adjust the room temperature sufficiently, do not set the AC too cold.
  10. AC Placing far as possible from direct sunlight, so that the cooling effect is not reduced.
  11. Replace coolant used (Freon) with power-saving cooling materials (hydrocarbon refrigerant), which can reduce power to 30% of AC.
  12. Turn off the AC when the room is empty in a relatively longer period.

  1. Use water storage tanks (storing water in the top position).
  2. Use water floats at the shelter.
  3. Use water sparingly and prevent water leaks in faucets and pipes.
  4. It often happens that the pump worked continuously, but not for consumption. The reason is as follows:
         * Relay press (pressure switch) is not working.
         * Installation of water pipes in the building there is a leak.
         * Faucet water does not shut down completely or is damaged.

  1. Using a washing machine in accordance with capacity.
  2. Excess capacity resulting in slowing the velocity of the engine and increase the electricity consumption burden.
  3. Capacity is less cause inefficient, because the machine uses the same energy.
  4. Use the dryer only on a cloudy / rainy. When the weather is sunny, you should take advantage of sunlight.

  1. Choosing a refrigerator with the size / capacity as appropriate.
  2. When I close the refrigerator door should always be tightly closed.
  3. The contents of the refrigerator should be in accordance with the capacity (not too crowded).
  4. Place the refrigerator away from heat sources (stove, direct sunlight).
  5. Place your refrigerator min. 15 cm from the wall, for good air circulation to the condenser.
  6. Avoid placing food / drink that is too hot.
  7. Set the refrigerator temperature as needed. Because the lower the temperature, the more electrical energy is used.
  8. Replace the rubber insulation on the door / cabinet immediately if damaged.
  9. Clean the condenser (located behind the refrigerator) regularly from dust and dirt, for heat release process went well.
  10. Turning off the fridge when not in use for a long time.

  1. Adjust the heat level is adjusted to use with an iron material (silk, woolen, polyster, cotton and so on).
  2. Clean the bottom side of the iron on a regular basis for delivery of iron to heat lasted well
  3. Iron at the same time many do only one or two pieces of clothing.
  4. Will switch off the iron if left long enough.

  1. Reduce electricity consumption during peak load in the hours 18:00 to 22:00
  2. Use Energy Efficient Electrical Appliances
  3. Turn off the magic-jar or a magic-com where rice has remained a bit because of electricity to warm the rice becomes futile.
  4. Turn off the television, radio, tape recorder, and audio visual equipment other, if not watched or listened to.
  5. Unplug electrical appliances when not in use equipment.
  6. If the electrical equipment using the remote system is not in use, do not turn off by remote control (on stand by.) But the turn of the on-off or disconnect the plug.
  7. Turn on the water heater 20 minutes before hot water is used
  8. Periodically clean the glass window. Glass window cleaner will continue more light.
  9. Periodically clean the bulb / tube lights with reflector so clean so as not to reduce the light.

Tips on Choosing Air Conditioner Unit

Tropical hot and sunny, making the cool air into the primary requirement. Like an oasis in the desert, it makes the existence of the AC (air conditioner) becomes a necessity that matters. Many types of air conditioners currently available to make the consumer should be more observant vote before deciding which one to buy air conditioning. Things to consider in choosing an air conditioner is as follows:
  1. Since its main function is as a coolant, therefore, AC is purchased, must be able to cool the room quickly. The easiest way to detect it, is to look at the evaporator coolers, which are on the side of the AC. With a size larger cooling evaporator, it will cool the room faster naturally and balanced.
  2. Select conditioned with cooling capacity as needed. Avoid choosing an air conditioner with too small capacity or over capacity.
  3. Observe the fan. The wider the fan, it will be faster and faster winds. In addition, with a wide fan, then the air conditioner will not cause any noise. With a wide evaporator, it is automatically the fan on the external blower would be larger. This need for balance. It would be better if the fan is jagged because it will make turbulance be quiet.
  4. Buy air conditioner equipped with a converter. Function Converter is a regulator of electricity load. This means that when the temperature in the room has reached the temperature we want, the AC itself automatically reduces the cooling load is given, with still operating.
  5. Consider additional features useful for health. Now there are air conditioning with features that can eradicate the bacteria. There was even able to filter out very fine dust particles, including bacteria. In addition, there is also air conditioning that offers features for killing germs and eliminating odor like the smell of cigarette smoke and features of vitamin C filter that contains antioxidants to boost immunity for the body becomes more healthy and fresh.
Besides choosing an air conditioner capable of cooling the room, choose also capable of providing benefits for health.

11 Tips on Caring For a Car Air-con

Driving The car will feel comfortable, if the air conditioning worked perfectly. It has become a necessity for life in the big city, if the AC problem, or not cool, the situation becomes completely wrong, if the window is opened, security problems, dust and fumes will go, but if you closed the cabin will feel hot and stuffy. Interference with the air conditioner is usually due to lack of care. Following tips can help you perform maintenance AC by yourself, before the condition of AC became severely damaged:
  1. Always keep your cabin clean of dust and dirt. Especially the front carpet pieces, because dust will be sucked into the evaporator (humid) that resulted in mold and spores, it is not good for health, and which will cause unpleasant odors when first turned on the AC. Try cleaning the carpet in a wide sheet.
  2. When washing the car, open the hood and a strong spray of water on the Condensor AC (which looks like a radiator and is usually located in front of the radiator), dirt or dust if left will harden, and can lead to corrosion or porous so that a leak in the condenser.
  3. Selecting a shady parking place, when will parking in a long time, because if in hot usually when the driver inside, the cabin will feel the heat, and will require a long cooling process. In addition, the cooling load as the car runs even be higher.
  4. Check Extras Condensor Fan located in front, whether alive when AC is turned on. If not, replace immediately, because it will result in compressor damage or hose high press could explode.
  5. Do not smoke in the car, because the smoke can contaminate Evaporators, and nicotine are sticky and slimy, and produce an unpleasant smell and hard to eliminate.
  6. Do not maximize the AC load current speeding vehicle, by lowering the temperature.
  7. Before you start the engine, turn off the AC first, turn on the AC after the machine stable. Vice versa, first turn off air conditioning if you want turn off the engine.
  8. Do not put bad quality fragrances cabin, will cause the smell, and difficult to clean. And do not install fragrances cabins with plug to grill model, because often the case broke on the grill. (because of some grill is hard to find in the market).
  9. If any unusual symptoms such as less cold air conditioning, will be better getting into a car ac repair specialists, do not wait for the damaged, it will cause the cvost of repair is high.
  10. Perform maintenance once a month max in a way remove scale, rust, dust, dirt, oil in the coil, air conditioner fins, using strong cleaners and specially formulated.
  11. Perform routine maintenance AC. It is highly recommended once a year, which need to be replaced is the Receiver Dryer, Compressor Oil, services Blower, Evaporator, Condensor drain and Freon. By doing routine maintenance in addition to extending the function of components of the AC to be more durable, will also make fresh air blowing is always fresh.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Musicool Hydrocarbon Refrigerant,: Environtment Friendly Natural Refrigerant

Synthetic Refrigerant, such as :
  • Chloro Fluoro Carbon, kown as CFC
  • Hydro Chloro Fluoro Carbon, kown as HCFC
  • Hydro Fluoro Carbon, kown as HFC
which in Indonesia are on familiar terms with Freon, have been applied in most of Air Conditioning System for more than 70 years. It was then discovered that these three kind of gasses have disadvantages: technically, environmentally, and economically. And most of all, synthetic refrigerants endanger the human race and all life being existence, both in short and long term.

The Indonesian Government has announced the restriction of the application of these refrigerants which practically will begin in 2007 until they are completely banned in the future. This new Regulation has made a natural-environment friendly alternative refrigerant, HydroCarbon (HC), arose.

People are still unfamiliar with this new type refrigerant although there are so much benefits will be gained from using it, thus the application of this refrigerant is still in a small number.

Hydrocarbon Refrigerant Products are designed to replace many environmentally harmful refrigerants currently in use.

  • HC-12 - is designed as a drop-in replacement for ozone-depleting CFC R12.
  • HC-134 - is designed as a drop-in replacement for global-warming HFC R134a refrigerant.
  • HC-22 - is designed as a drop-in replacement for ozone-depleting HCFC R22 refrigerant.
  • HC-502 - is designed as a drop-in replacement for ozone-depleting CFC R502 refrigerant.
MusiCool, a Hydrocarbon-based refrigerant from P.T. Pertamina, is a blend of environmentally safe hydrocarbon fluids designed as a direct replacement and retrofit refrigerant option for replacing R134a and R12 refrigerants in refrigeration systems. 12a operates at lower head pressures and offers improved cooling properties and performance verses R134a and R12.

Our Company offers you MusiCool, a HydroCarbon based refrigerant trading and installation, to substitute your existing refrigerant. The recovery process is economical that no hardware of the Air Conditioning System needs to be modified. Our Human Resources have years of experience in Hydrocarbon Refrigerant Conversion, therefore we assure that all the work is done thoroughly and comply with the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures).

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Retrofit & Refrigerant Conversion


In order to help provide electrical power efficiency solutions which also resulted in savings of electricity costs, we Globalindo Niaga Prima has been carrying out Electrical Savings Solutions Program in Air Conditioning Machine in a variety of Company and Commercial Building, through the conversion of synthetic refrigerant HCFC R-22 with MC-22 Musicool Pertamina products, which save electricity and are environmentally friendly (And we guarantee 100% that there is reduction in power after using Musicool Refrigerant).

Besides saving electricity, conversion of HCFC/HFC Synthetic Refrigerants with Musicool also can support the Green Program, since the Musicool Refrigerant is a natural refrigerant that are environmentally friendly, which does not damage the Ozone Layer, and not a GHG, so it will not increase global warming.

This Power Saving Solutions, we do to help reduce operating costs of the Company, particularly the cost of Electricity and also at the same time in line with the Energy Saving Program.

This program has been utilized by many parties / companies / industries such as, Hospitals, high-rise buildings, hotels and Industry, where his unit air-conditioning machines, both AC and Split AC Chiller / Central used by the company, which was originally using HCFC/HFC Synthetic Refrigerant replaced with natural Refrigerant Musicool.


Musicool is a natural refrigerant Refrigerant type of environmentally friendly hydrocarbon, which is an alternative replacement for synthetic refrigerant, and has many advantages compare with Synthetic refrigerant which have been replaced.

Benefits and advantages of Musicool refrigerant are:

  1. Conserve electricity / energy to 30%.
  2. Provide better cooling effect.
  3. Lighten the compressor, so the air conditioning compressor service life becomes longer.
  4. No need for replacement / additional components.
  5. Not damage the AC machine.
  6. Environmentally friendly, because it does not damage the ozone layer and does not cause Global Warming.
  7. Conversion costs incurred will be back in a relatively short time from funds derived Electricity Cost savings every month, so that the Company generates no additional budget (Return on Investment ranging from 2 months to 10 months, depending on the duration of usage per unit of air conditioner).
The advantages of Musicool Refrigerant, is due to the nature of its physics and thermodynamics, it is better if compared with the Synthetic refrigerant.


Based on practical experience, the power savings obtained after the recovery of Freon with Musicool is between 10% and to 30%, depending on engine type air conditioner, Brand AC Machine, AC Machine Age usage, condition and capacity of AC Machines AC Machines, by the details:

  1. AC machine with one Phase power: 10% to 30%
  2. AC machine with three phase power: 10% s / d 25%
But in general can be noted, that Recovery / Conversion Freon with Musicool can reduce power consumption significantly, so it can provide a quite financial advantage for the owner of AC machine, comprising:
  1. Decrease in electricity costs, so the conversion cost incurred would return in a relatively short time from funds obtained Electricity Cost savings every month, so that the Company generates no additional budget (Return on Investment ranging from 2 months to 8 months, depending on the duration of use of any air-conditioning units)
  2. Reduce Maintenance Cost 
  3. Extend Replacement Cost, etc.


Warranty of Conversion Results:

GLOBALINDO NIAGA PRIMA is not just offer a recovery and conversion of Synthetic refrigerant into Musicool, but the offered are: Decrease / Saving of power consumption and Cooling Effect.

  • We guarantee the reduction / saving of electricity consumption by 10% to 30%, depending on the type of compressor, brand and age of AC Machines.  
  • We guarantee the temperature in the evaporator / indoor at least the same as before.
We also provide GUARANTEE on our work, namely:
  • Power savings of at least 10%, experience shows an average of 20% (No need to pay for air conditioning units which is less than 10% savings!).
  • The temperature at the evap / indoor, at least the same as when using Freon, experiences show a decrease between 1 - 3o C (No need to pay for air conditioning units that its temperature is hotter than before!).
  • Adding of Musicool Refrigerant MC-22 if there is a deficiency for 1 (one) month.
Warranty Work:

Guarantee at least 1 (one) month or in accordance with the agreement, for cooling effect or refrigerant adding, begun after recovery & conversion work was completed, according to the Minutes of Recovery & Conversion, signed together.


To obtain optimal results, both in terms of reduction in electricity and refrigeration effect, required a skilled technician executor, trained, certified and experienced in conducting Refrigerant Recovery & Conversion of Synthetic Refrigerant Freon into Musicool Refrigerant.

This is because there are significant differences between the Synthetic refrigerant and Natural Refrigerant Musicool, both from its gas properties or from a process of conversion itself.

Success Indicators:

  1. Convert (Use) Power Down from 10% to 30%
  2. Refrigeration same effect, even better; Output Air Temperature in Indoor / Evap. between a minimum of 1 ° C
  3. Hardwares AC unit does not have a problem (damage), whether during work or after conversion
  4. The conversion job is safe (do not have a problem, both of Hardwares and Executing Conversion
Terms of Success:
  • The quality of refrigerant must be good
  • Implementing qualified skilled technicians:
    • Understand the characteristics of Musiccol
    • Understand the difference Synthetic refrigerant with Musicool
    • Knowing the differences Construction packaging (tube) and consequently on the System Charging Procedure
    • Self-trained in doing Conversion or Musicool Charging
    • Have sufficient experience in working with Musicool
    • The process of Musicool Conversion & Charging follows Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
    • Working careful and thorough

      Qualification of GNP Technician

      1. Already received training, both theory and practice
      2. Having a Certificate of Competency from BNSP Cooling Technique (National Professional Certification)
      3. Have a Training Certificate Musicool, from Pertamina
      4. Understand the characteristics Musicool
      5. It has more than 5 years of experience in doing the conversion from Synthetic refrigerant to Musicool at various AC Machines and other refrigeration equipment, ranging from Split Air-Con machine to Chiller/Central Air-Con machine.
      6. Always work by following the Retofit SOP of Musicool


      Where appropriate, after the recovery and conversion of Freon with Musicool as a whole, it can be carried out energy audit, calculate the approximate savings of energy and electricity costs that will be generated every month through an AC machine is based on electricity savings results obtained after the recovery and conversion, according to News The event made for each of the AC machine by taking into account the duration of use of each air conditioning machine and with the assumption: that there is no additional equipment that uses electricity and duration of use of the same as before the conversion.


      Before the recovery / conversion of refrigerant in an AC machine, first made a careful observation and checking on various aspects of AC Machines, are:

      • The type, brand and type of AC Machines
      • Refrigerant used
      • The physical condition of the machine
      • Location and conditions of the storage engine
      • Schedule maintenance / maintenance performed
      • Performance machines using Freon refrigerant R-22
      Results from monitoring / checking will produce conclusions, whether the AC machine is in good condition and technically can be done refrigerant recovery and conversion or not.

      Safety, security and benefit from air conditioning unit owners after recovery / conversion is a major priority and consideration of decision-recovery / conversion refrigerant.



      1. Checking performance of AC machines before recovery (while still using Freon), covering: current / electric power, pressure and temperature at the evaporator (cooling effect).
      2. Expenditures refrigerant Freon from air conditioning machines
      3. Pem-vacuuman AC machines, as well as a leak check
      4. Filling with coolant Musicool.
      5. Checking performance AC machine after charging Musicool to compare with the performance while still using Freon.
      6. Making Work Implementation Minutes AC Retrofit with Musicool.


      Service and Maintenance which involves the addition of refrigerant (coolant) Musicool after recovery / conversion must be performed by technicians who have received training and are familiar in using the natural refrigerant type, except for cleanning service jobs can be done by another technician.

      Not recommended and must be avoided and Maintenance Service work performed by other technicians who are not familiar and not familiar with hydrocarbon refrigerant.

      GLOBALINDO NIAGA PRIMA provided training / training to the technicians Company / Owner air conditioning and / or contractor technician service / maintenance out-sourcing is Free of Charge, which represents a package in Electricity Saving Program, so the companies are expected to perform servicing / maintenance of their own .

      If the Company / Owner of the AC does not have its own human resources technician or contractor service / maintenance out-sourcing, then GLOBALINDO NIAGA PRIMA ready to do service work and periodic and routine maintenance under the Contract.

      Air-Con Service & Maintenance

      Globalindo Niaga Prima offers product service such as maintenance services of air conditioning units. Along with the increasing of time, the air conditioning system will also be reached a period of wear (old). For that reason, we need regularly maintenance to support the smooth of air-conditioning system work.

      With our working system which is always puts customer satisfaction on the top priority, convenience, with the best service quality, the fastest response time, quality control, warranty, and supported by our engineers who have experienced, thus entrust the air-conditioning maintenance services of your company to us. We will be glad to be a partner of your company in the field of AC maintenance services.

      The scope of air conditioning maintenances and services that we offer are :

            Evaporators Checking
            Condensor Coil Cleaning
            Filter Cleaning
            Condition of Piping Installation Checking
            Ampere Compressor Checking
            Gas Pressure Checking
            Compressor Oil Checking
            Compressor Replacement
            Spare Parts Replacement

        Selling of Musicool Refrigerant

        As a substitute for Freon Alternative Products, Musicool produced and adapted to the products that will be replaced, Freon. The type and type of existing Musicool today, al:
        1. MC-12 ®, manufactured as a substitute for CFC R-12 refrigerants that damage the ozone layer and can lead to global warming. Used AC cars manufactured before 1994, Refrigerator, Freezer, Water Dispenser, Cold Storage, etc.
        2. MC-134 ®, manufactured as a replacement refrigerant HFC R-134a which can lead to global warming. Used AC cars manufactured after 1993, Refrigerator, Freezer, Water Dispenser, Cold Storage, etc.
        3. MC-22 ®, manufactured as a substitute for HCFC R-22 refrigerants that damage the ozone layer. Used for AC room like, AC Split, AC Windows, Central AC, Chiller, etc..
        4. MC-600 ®, manufactured as a substitute for CFC refrigerant R-600 which damage the ozone layer.

        Globalindo Niaga Prima provides Musicool MC-12, MC-134 and MC-22, with 3 packaging tubes, namely:
        • Musicool Tube 3 Kg
        • Musicool Tube 6 Kg
        • Musicool Tube 9 Kg
        • Musicool Tube 45 Kg

        For reservations call us at 021-95493863 or email to
        We only sell Musicool HC to the company or technician who has been accustomed to and trained in the use of Hydrocarbon Refrigerant